Monday 19 October 2015

Stages of Production

There are 4 stages of production . They are Development, Pre -Production, Production and Post - Production.


This is the initial stage of making a feature film. This is where the ideas for the film come up. The screenplay and the script is developed during this process. The main people during this stage is the Producer, Director, Script Editor and the Writer. The script is 'locked' at the end of the development stage. Once the script is 'Locked' then it can no longer be changed or modified unless ABSOLUTELY necessary but if the script is modified it will cost them a lot of money.

Pre Production

Pre Production is the stage where everything gets set up. At this point the script writer, Director, Editor and many more important people work together. The producer at this point will start to see how he can make the film marketable and make profit. The line manager is also involved at this point. The budget is managed by the Line Producer, he will take details of everything needed and see hoe much that will cost, and try to get cheaper if he can.


In production the film is shot. At this point more crew members will be required . For the production phase on live-action films, synchronizing schedules of key cast and crew members is very important, since for many scenes, several cast members and most of the crew must be present at the same place and time and some of the members may have to rush from one location to the other.


Here the film is assembled by the editorThe material is edited this includes music tracks, sound effects any computer-graphic effects are added after the film is deemed to be complete it is locked. 

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